The Slauson Connect Clean Water Partnership (Slauson Connect) is a suite of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) features being constructed in conjunction with Council District 9’s proposed Slauson Connect Community Center. Los Angeles County Flood Control District and CIS entered into a four-year community-based partnership (CBP) to construct two projects for Slauson Connect.

Project Targets
Estimated Development Costs
$4.9 million
Acres Managed
5 acres
Additional Highlights
- Estimated 7.7 acre-feet of stormwater captured per year
- Estimated 10.7 pounds of heavy metals removed per year
- Estimated 1.8 acre-feet water supply benefit
The CBP includes two projects to be constructed between 2023 to 2026. The first project is a new subsurface cistern located at the east end of a 2.25-acre parcel operated by the City of Los Angeles between South Normandie and Budlong Avenues. This parcel is the proposed site for the Slauson Connect Community Center. Prior to entering the 1.5-acre-foot cistern, stormwater will be pretreated to remove trash and sediment. Stormwater will then be pumped through a disinfection treatment process being used to irrigate the Community Center parcel. Treated flows not used for irrigation will be conveyed to an existing City sanitary sewer.
The second project includes two green alleys between W 58th and W 56th Streets to collect and treat stormwater from 5 acres within the 22-acre watershed upstream of the proposed cistern. Bypass from the green alleys will flow downstream toward the proposed cistern via surface flow. A new storm drain inlet at the southwest corner of Budlong Avenue and W 58th Street will convey stormwater to the new subsurface cistern.
Anticipated Results
Combined, the two projects will capture and treat an estimated 7.7 acre-feet of stormwater per year. They will remove 10.7 pounds of heavy metals per year, 8.5 pounds of zinc and 2.2 pounds of copper. The project will also generate benefits for the public water supply by capturing, treating, and storing urban runoff for reuse. The estimated reduction in water use is 1.8 acre-feet of water per year.
CIS will also seek to utilize residents for a large proportion of the project’s labor and award contracts to target-class businesses (e.g., small, women-, and minority-owned businesses).
Los Angeles County Flood Control District
2023 – 2026